Permaculture, what is it ?!
Originally, permaculture (permanent agriculture) was a method theorized in the 1970s by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in Australia on the basis of a model developed by Japanese agriculture Masanobu Fukuoka. This form of agriculture aims to draw inspiration from nature to develop agricultural systems in synergy, based on the diversity of crops, their resilience and their natural productivity. The objective is to produce a harmonious, resilient, productive and sustainable environment.
Now synonymous with permanent culture in the broad sense, permaculture designates a global ethic and method aimed at the design of integrated systems in a sustainable development strategy, where human activity must take into account natural ecosystems and be carried out in harmony and in interconnection with them, with a constant concern for efficiency, sustainability and resilience.
We often confuse agroecology and permaculture, yet these two practices are different. Agroecology goes further than organic farming, it aims to create a sustainable agricultural system, using techniques such as complementarity, composting, cultivation on mounds, and integrate these systems in an ecological way by saving water, fighting against erosion etc ...
These are things that can be found in permaculture, but the latter is broader since it focuses not only on creating sustainable and resilient agricultural systems, but also on integrating them into a larger system of life in the world. within which we must take into account the human, social, energy etc ...